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How Do We Create Prosperity Using Borrowed Or Printed Money, Subsidizing Projects, Which Will Increase Our Cost Base, Making Us Less Competitive?

Blaine Mitton • May 05, 2021

Trudeau is destroying Canada as we know it, through a Globalist and Socialist Agenda with the Government Funded Projects resulting in Higher Taxes, and Higher Trade Deficits, as we Block our Oil Exports, with Bills C-48 and Bill 69 hurting our Balance of Payments and resulting in Country Discontent.

There is a risk of Western Separation, Reduced Ability to Compete in the International Market, and Future High Unemployment.

The Carbon Tax has already Increased Energy Costs by at least 25%.

Canada's Covid-19 and Debt Caricature
Trudeau Carbon Tax Suppository Caricature

The Beneficiaries of the Great Reset or Green New Deal are a Grab-Bag of Professional Liberals, Green Activists, Former Civil Servants, and Self-Described Social Entrepreneurs, whose Business Models are all about Getting Grants and Subsidies.

They are already in line ready to pick up that $100 Billion of promised new subsidies.

The Green New Deal is not a prosperity creating initiative, in fact it will increase our cost base and erode our ability to compete.

For Example, the McGinty and Wynne Governments investment in wind and solar in Ontario, has increased the cost of electricity from 6-8 cents/KWH to 12-14 cents/KWH, and instead of adding jobs, lost 30,000 manufacturing jobs, with Net Debt in Ontario growing from $242 Billion in 2011-12 to a pre-pandemic $353 Billion in 2019-2020.

Wind and Solar are not Carbon neutral, to learn more watch:

Wind and Solar are not Carbon neutral Video

Not only that, but we require Standby Natural Gas Electricity in case the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine.

Just imagine having Invested in 53 Natural Gas plants in Ontario with a capacity of 7070 MW, on Standby, only utilizing 129MW today, or running at less than 2% capacity, to back up solar and wind, while paying a Premium for Solar and Wind Power? What kind of a Return on Investment is that? Crazy!!!!

We are in a world competition and we need to Reduce our Cost Base to Compete, not increase it, with needless Green New Deals and higher Debt, Higher Taxes, and Inflation. We do not need any more unreliable wind and solar subsidized by Government.

It does not make any sense for Canada to adopt Emission Reduction Initiatives, like Unreliable Wind and Solar, when we only contribute 1.5% of Global Emissions in this great big country, with lots of forest and farm land carbon sinks, with CO2 at about 400ppm, and not changing significantly. We should however use technology to remove any particulate emissions from the air where possible.

There are approximately 2425 Coal-Fired Power Plants Worldwide, and more being constructed and planned, with China and India not willing to change direction until at least 2030, giving them a low electricity cost base for manufacturing.

Meanwhile the world passes us by with Qatar Petroleum planning to issue up to $10 billion worth of bonds to help finance a massive expansion of its natural gas production capacity, Reuters and Bloomberg report.

Are we the only country restricting fossil fuel development? Are we crazy!!!

As for me, there may be climate change, but it has not much to do with Canada, and remember the Diameter of the Sun is 109 times that of the Earth, maybe it is a contributing factor. It is amazing our climate is as consistent as it is!!

The Federal Debt will reach $1,331,000,000 this year costing $20,200,000,000 in Debt Servicing Charges.

The Graph below shows, we have Balanced the Federal Budget and ran a Surplus in only Two of the last Ten years. How can we ever pay down Debt that way, and just look at the Deficit Projections if the Liberals have their way?

Canada Government Budget Deficit
Who's Paying For This Caricature

This Graph indicates we are going to spend Billions of Borrowed and Printed Money Going Forward. Someone will have to pay for this! Guess who? Debt Repayment requires Budget Surpluses!!

If, we were going to spend this money, it would be better to Cut Taxes and let industry Invest in long term Profitable Ventures which would Create Profits, employ more people and thus create more tax revenue, to activate the economy, rather than have Government control it!!

For Example:

  • Eliminate the retrograde Carbon Tax, and its cousin the Clean Fuel Standards Act, which are not even evenly implemented across Canada. Please sign and contribute to our Petition to Eliminate the Carbon Tax here.
  • Remove Bills C-48 and Bill C-69 which restrict investment in Western Oil and Gas Development. These Bills have cost Canada roughly $196 Billions of lost Investment. That’s Jobs, and Export Revenue!!
  • Provide for an East Coast Pipeline, purchasing Canadian Oil versus $17 Billion of imported oil to the Eastern provinces.
  • Reduce Taxes for Manufacturing in Canada.
  • Reduce Regulations to Allow Development, we are ranked 34th out of 35 OECD countries in terms of getting project approval.
  • Allow Incineration to turn Waste and Single Use Plastic into Electrical Energy, providing Electric Power. It is the same as burning natural gas.
  • Re-negotiate Provincial Equalization Transfer Payments to Eliminate Unfairness of Application.
  • Stop transferring Billions of Dollars to Indigenous Communities, so they can afford to Block Progress and Sell Illegal Cigarettes, but rather Integrate them into society so they can contribute and have a Stake in Canadian Success.
  • Reduce the Number of Federal Civil Servants, which has grown from 260,000 in 2016 to 300,000 in 2020 or 14%. The more Civil Servants, the more regulations they develop as they build their empires.

Canada needs to be opened up for Private Investment, not Government Grants and Subsidies which creates more Debt and Little Long-Term Payback, once the money is spent.

Borrowed and Printed Money only lasts so long,

and what happens when it runs out!!!

Yellow Brick - Canada's Road to Prosperity Caricature

With Inflation starting to appear, including Fuel, Housing, lumber, Commodities, Food, and Transportation, we may soon be looking at Higher Interest Costs to stem the rise in inflation.

The Feds are already paying $20.2 Billion in Interest payments. If interest rates were to double that could easily be $40 Billion, and I have paid a Mortgage at 16%, so I understand what happens when Government Finances are out of control.

To be serious, just look at Venezuela, once a very rich country, who thought Government could provide everything, and guess what? They found out Socialism doesn’t work, but rather becomes more Government Control with less freedom and prosperity with Inflation now running over 2000%.

The Canadian Government’s course of action is all based on the belief there is man-made Climate change, which, if that were true, the Globalists are Failing to Address the Largest Polluters, China and India until 2030, to Canada’s detriment!! How do we compete against those odds?

It is Time for All of Us to Fight for Canada,

if we are to be a United Prosperous Country.

Call your MP today.

The MP’S Addresses can be found at the bottom of my website.

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